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United States, Oklahoma, Tulsa
Mar 26, 2025
Job Summary
Tulsa Community College is seeking qualified adjunct instructors for the 2024-2025 school year and welcomes applicants at any time. Adjunct instructors are hired within their respective fields for one or more semesters based on the needs of their respective academic school.
Salary based on course contract. Campus varies.
Minimum Qualifications
Master's Degree with Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) or American Sign Language Teachers Association (ASLTA) certification.
The following exception may also be considered: RID or ASLTA certification with 3 years of teaching experience and/or Native signers-without certification with 3 years of teaching experience can teach ASL 1 classes. (RID and ASLTA certifications requires BA degree).
Philosophy compatible with that of a comprehensive urban community college.